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Night diving

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Ever wanted to dive into the dark, explore the underwater world during the night with a torch in your hand and see amazing creatures you will never see during the day ?
Then a night dive is deffenetly something you want to try !

Many underwater animals, which hide during the day, come out to feed at night and can be easily spotted in a diver's torch beam. At night, the clarity of the water is often very good, and this sensation is heightened owing to the fact that the diver's horizon is restricted to the penetration of his torch beam. This causes the diver to concentrate in the objects that his beam of light shines upon.

Once certified as a Padi Open Water diver or diver level 1 from an other organisation (CMAS for example). A huge amount of new challanges are waiting for you, night diving is just one of them.  

What you will do during a night dive,
Fist of all after checking your torches and equipement you will descend slowly into the depth. In most case you will use a line to help your descend. Once on the bottom, your instructor will take some time for you to acclimatise on the bottom, relax - look around you with your torch. You will be amazed of what you see ! After that your guide will take you for a guided tour around the dive site. Swim slowly, the slower you go the less air you will use and the more things you will be able to see under water. Follow your instructor and look when he/she is pointing to something generally it means there is something very nice to see.

Some considerations during a night dive,
stay close 
plan - mp of divesite

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